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Showing posts from 2020

Best educational toys for your babies.

How important it is to keep your kids busy with meaningful activities,  you can estimate the value of educational toys in this period of pandemic/lockdown, in which case you are quite apprehensive of sending your kids out to play or even school, so to say.  You all must be thinking about homeschooling your kids to be a better opportunity rather than sending them to school.  In my previous blog posts,  I have discussed about various types of learners and how to make them learn through different activities/strategies.  In addition to that, let me share a few educational toys which are suitable for your tiny tots. They can be engaged in meaningful learning through playing.  Toys offer immense fun and entertainment to an infant. But that's not all. They can be an excellent resource for learning and also improve a variety of skill sets. Finding the right educational toy for a kid may be a challenge considering babies continue to be in the early stages of the...

How to facilitate learning through the child's home environment

            Learning mathematics and other concepts informally in the home environment........ Young children learn mathematics all the time through a  wide variety of play experiences. From the time they are born, babies are surrounded by sense impressions. Shapes in particular are of immediate importance: babies react instinctively to the  arrangement of shapes which make up the human face. In the home, in parent and toddler groups, and pre-school settings,  children have many opportunities to enjoy and learn mathematics  through Play. “Play is an effective vehicle for fostering Mathematical concepts  and developing positive attitudes to mathematics… Adults in the  pre-school setting should seek to extend informally the  mathematical experiences the children have already had in their  home environment.” Mathematics in the Home Environment: Mathematics is everywhere in the home. With the suppor...

Gross motor activities/larger muscle coordination

              GROSS MOTOR ACTIVITIES Having discussed fine motor skills in my previous blog posts,  now let me focus on gross motor activities for larger muscle coordination, which is an integral part of the overall development of a child. In today's world, most of the parents are working couples who want to send their kids to English medium schools to  maintain their status in the society. They want their kids to be fluent in English, to become a doctor/engineer. And these expectations force them to work and earn, leaving their kids with some relatives or other caretakers.  When they return home fully tired, cannot give full attention to their children. They lose patience quickly and give smart phones in their kids' hands to watch any YouTube videos or play games in order to finish eating, so that parents can take rest. In this way, the children get addicted to smartphones. They are no more interested in outdoor activities/...

How to improve your child's learning skills

There are different types of learners. Some  learn through listening to lectures,  for example,  older people/students can learn simply through listening to the lectures being delivered in the classroom.  Some learn through reading. But, normally,  if we observe little kids,  they are not interested in any one of the traditional styles/methods of teaching learning processes. Also, each child is unique. So we should take into consideration the differences in their learning styles/skills. Little kids love to learn by doing (kinesthetic). We must not expect small kids to sit seriously reading a book or listening to a teacher for an hour.  Their attention span is too short. Children learn better through a combination of two or more teaching-learning styles/types. Children mostly benefit from a combination of visual, kinesthetic and auditory stimulation. For small kids, kinesthetic or, (hands-on) activity based learning is most important. For exa...

How to prepare a toddler to write?

            Fine motor skills  Before a child can learn to write, it is necessary for him/her to develop fine motor skills (the ability to grasp). In order to encourage the develop these skills, children should be allowed to manipulate solid objects as they see fit. Holding, turning, twisting and playing with objects develops grasping ability in children. So, basically,we should provide various opportunities to kids for developing their finer muscle coordination or  pre-writing skills. Before you go for teaching how to write, you must ensure, whether he/she is able to grasp an object/crayon/pencil correctly or not. That's why we must encoursge these activities thorough play-way methods to strengthen kids' finer muscle and eye-hand coordination. Ultimately, they will help in their future studies greatly. Let's explore what are some such activities which will help them develop their preparatory skills for future. Water play Sand p...